Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snow Day

Snow days in SC are like rare treasures. You just don't come across them as nearly as you would like. So imagine our joy and excitement when it started snowing at 4pm on Friday and didn't stop until sometime after midnight! We ended up with about 5 inches of snow!!!
It was some good packing snow too. The type that you get a ball rolling and the snow just rolls up like a blanket.

We played so hard in the snow that day. We woke up about 9 to fast melting snow. So we hurried to put our warmest clothes on (not much of those living in the south but we made do) and ran outside. Jason and I just as excited as Christian I think. The first thing we hear when walking outside is Christian's little girlfriend from across the street yelling "Christian!" Oh it was precious! So we tromped over to the neighbors house careful not to walk through our yard. (Our yard will be torn up soon enough) Christian and Lyndsey built a snowman with Lyndsey's dad, they threw snowballs at Lyndsey's older brother, Jason. They done snow angels, Christian was trying to and I couldn't get the camera up and running fast enough to get the pictures darnit!!!

After all that, we went into the neighbors house and the children had donuts and hot chocolate. The adults had coffee (and some of us, not naming any names, had donuts too. But let me add that we only ate 1)

After we got done at the neighbors house, it was time to come destroy our yard. Oh the boys had a blast! Mainly the older boys. Jason and Dennis. Might I add here that Dennis had nothing to do with the finishing touches of our "snow-ho" as she has become known as. Dennis is a very shy, not talking about that type of stuff around anyone, kind of person. Leave it up to JASON to embarass the stew out of him by doing this! We had a good laugh about it though. The children helped roll up the mounds of snow to begin building the snow-ho. Jason got out this L shape thing and was "molding" the snow. He did a really great job might I add. The hat really impressed us. Cindy, myself and Grace was inside looking out the window by this time. It wasn't cold at all outside but the wind had begun to pick up and getting chilly. Plus Grace was miserable. The snow was so bright that she really couldn't look at anything and she started getting fussy. Our snow-ho's face kinda looks like Jack Frost doesn't it?

Well seeing how this was Grace's first snowfall, I wasn't sure how she would react to it. By the time Christian had his first snow, he was walking and talking so he was fine. Grace, not so much. We were able to put her on the neighbors concrete drive and get some pictures of her with the snow in the back ground but to sit her in it was torture. I did it anyway darnit! Doesn't she know I'm a scrapbooker????? She sat there for about 30 seconds before she started whining.

The picture below is the first picture I took of her in the snow. The look says it all. That's the "what in the heck is all this white crap and why in the world did you bring me out in it?!" I love it. This portrays the Clemmons in her if I ain't never seen it.
I hope you enjoyed our snow day as much as we did!

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