Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sick days..............again

Well I'm not sure what is going on but Grace is still blowing up her diapers. We finally got her to stop throwing up. Well last night Jason and I woke up to the sound of Christian gagging in our bed. Oh he puked everywhere. 4:22am. *sigh* Jason took him to the bathroom to get him to puke in the toilet. Bad mistake. He was having a hissy fit, temper tantrum, whatever you want to call it, in the bathroom. I call it more of the drama king syndrome. Well guess who he woke up? Yep you got it. So Grace is crying and won't go back to sleep and Christian has made a mess for us to clean up.

Okay so we got everything cleaned, Grace back asleep and we are finally on our way to dreamland again. 5:30am Christian starts whimpering and squirming and again throws up. In our bed. Again. This time I just held his shirt out and let him puke in the shirt (he had on Jason's Snap On shirt) I didn't want him going back to the bathroom and waking Grace up again. We got Christian some juice to clean out his mouth and I gave him one of Grace's Zofrans to help with the vomiting. So far he has done better with that.

Grace on the other hand is blowing her diapers up!! This morning waking up she had let it loose so bad it had ran out of her diaper and soaked into her pj's. It was all over her legs all up her back. Yeah, I think you get the picture. Oh and yeah, don't worry, I didn't TAKE any pictures to show you. HA! I didn't think they would be a big hit. :) Oh I'm praying for God to give me a break here. I just don't think I can handle much more. This is about week 3 that somebody at one point or another has been sick in someway shape or form. And to top it off, Grace has started waking up in the middle of the night again for whatever reason. So I'm sleep deprived and wanting a break from sickness. Apparently God must think I can handle this b/c He says He won't give you anymore than what you can handle. I'm glad He has more faith in me than I have in myself.

Snow Day

Snow days in SC are like rare treasures. You just don't come across them as nearly as you would like. So imagine our joy and excitement when it started snowing at 4pm on Friday and didn't stop until sometime after midnight! We ended up with about 5 inches of snow!!!
It was some good packing snow too. The type that you get a ball rolling and the snow just rolls up like a blanket.

We played so hard in the snow that day. We woke up about 9 to fast melting snow. So we hurried to put our warmest clothes on (not much of those living in the south but we made do) and ran outside. Jason and I just as excited as Christian I think. The first thing we hear when walking outside is Christian's little girlfriend from across the street yelling "Christian!" Oh it was precious! So we tromped over to the neighbors house careful not to walk through our yard. (Our yard will be torn up soon enough) Christian and Lyndsey built a snowman with Lyndsey's dad, they threw snowballs at Lyndsey's older brother, Jason. They done snow angels, Christian was trying to and I couldn't get the camera up and running fast enough to get the pictures darnit!!!

After all that, we went into the neighbors house and the children had donuts and hot chocolate. The adults had coffee (and some of us, not naming any names, had donuts too. But let me add that we only ate 1)

After we got done at the neighbors house, it was time to come destroy our yard. Oh the boys had a blast! Mainly the older boys. Jason and Dennis. Might I add here that Dennis had nothing to do with the finishing touches of our "snow-ho" as she has become known as. Dennis is a very shy, not talking about that type of stuff around anyone, kind of person. Leave it up to JASON to embarass the stew out of him by doing this! We had a good laugh about it though. The children helped roll up the mounds of snow to begin building the snow-ho. Jason got out this L shape thing and was "molding" the snow. He did a really great job might I add. The hat really impressed us. Cindy, myself and Grace was inside looking out the window by this time. It wasn't cold at all outside but the wind had begun to pick up and getting chilly. Plus Grace was miserable. The snow was so bright that she really couldn't look at anything and she started getting fussy. Our snow-ho's face kinda looks like Jack Frost doesn't it?

Well seeing how this was Grace's first snowfall, I wasn't sure how she would react to it. By the time Christian had his first snow, he was walking and talking so he was fine. Grace, not so much. We were able to put her on the neighbors concrete drive and get some pictures of her with the snow in the back ground but to sit her in it was torture. I did it anyway darnit! Doesn't she know I'm a scrapbooker????? She sat there for about 30 seconds before she started whining.

The picture below is the first picture I took of her in the snow. The look says it all. That's the "what in the heck is all this white crap and why in the world did you bring me out in it?!" I love it. This portrays the Clemmons in her if I ain't never seen it.
I hope you enjoyed our snow day as much as we did!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The past week

WHEW!!! What a week it has been!!! Grace has been throwing up everyday and has diaherra. The virus that has been going around has landed here. I blame Jason. HA! I'm going to start making him Lysol himself before coming inside. LOL In all honestly, I don't know who the culprit for this one is but let me tell ya, it's no fun. For the past two nights she has woken up with puke all over her and in her crib. Jason and I have gotten up and had to change her sheets and her clothes. I took her to the doctor and he gave her Zofran (the same medicine I took when preggo with Christian) and told me to give her Immodium-AD. Not so much. At least the immodium. I just don't feel comfortable giving her that medicine even with doctors orders. So anyway. Tonight before bed I gave her a Zofran and so we shall see if she wakes up again with puke.
So, I'm not sure what day this is, much less the day this particular event(s) happened but the other day I was in the living room and I heard Christian in the kitchen plundering through my utensil drawers. I went in there and asked him what he was doing. he told me he was cooking eggs. Oh okay sure, I thought. I said okay! cool! I continued into the living room to change Grace's diaper and that's when I heard it. Eggs cracking!! Ut oh. I had forgot that I put the eggs on a lower shelf the night before to make room for leftovers from dinner.

Now, while I'm on my hands and knees cleaning up nasty, gooey, hard to clean with paper towels eggs off the floor, Grace decides it's the PERFECT time to upchuck her entire 8oz bottle on the floor behind me. Oh boy. Seriously? Okay, so I'm juggling the children at this point. Trying to keep Christian out of the eggs and Grace out of the puke. Wow. Eggs cleaned up, puke cleaned up. Sitting on the couch talking with mom, Christian comes in and asks for cake. I tell him that he has to wait for just a minute and I'll get him some. Next thing I know I hear a loud noise in the kitchen and Christian yells "Oh no! Sorry mama!!!" I walked in and what do I see? My birthday cake upside down on the kitchen floor. Yep! I didn't think to take a picture of that but now I wished I would have. These pictures would make the perfect scrapbook page about Calgon. I could be the walking ad for them by the time my day ends.

Ok so fast forward, um, I'd say, maybe an hour. Now keep in mind that Grace has been a cranky little poop head today. Not wanting me to put her down. So now looking back, maybe my poor little guy was screaming for attention. I hear more noise in the kitchen. Boy does he sure love the kitchen. I walk in there. My sweet boy was trying to make Grace a bottle. But instead of putting the water in the bottle, he puts the water in the can with the formula (brand new can just opened that morning might I add)

This day is followed by the two nights that Grace wakes up at 2 and 3am to puke. Poor baby. I hope she gets better soon. I hate seeing her this miserable.
I am happy to report though, that the next several days has not nearly been as stressful as what this particular day was. I think God knows I can only handle one of those types of days a week. Maybe less. :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekend Recap

Shall we begin at the beginning?

Friday: My birthday. The day Grace decided she was no longer going to be drinking out of her bottle. The 3rd day of unsuccessful potty training for Christian. The day I had a mental breakdown on my kitchen floor. The day my best friend came over to watch my kiddos so my husband and I could go have a peaceful dinner. (I love my BFF. She is great) ( and shall I mention I love my husband who set the whole thing up?)

Saturday: 4th day of unsuccessful potty training. Grace did good without a bottle. Still give her formula, it just goes in sippy cup now. Had lunch with some girlfriends. Went to Kohls and found Christian two pairs of shoes (one for this year, one for next year) Retail value of the shoes was 75.00. I got both of them for 23.00!! WOOT WOOT!! What a deal! Mom and dad grilled hamburgers for my birthday. Grace ate a swiss cake roll.....then puked. (oops!) Then on the way home, she covered herself and her car seat. (with puke) Had diarrhea like crazy.(3 diapers in 3 hours) I was thinking it was from the chocolate. Nope, she had the virus that has been going around. I'm sure the chocolate didn't help, but I didn't know she was sick at that time! 1:30 in the morning, Grace goes back in tub. Jason is pulling her car seat apart. I put her to bed and then go throw everything in washer.

Sunday: Didn't make it to church because of the above. She threw up again. Jason cooked everyone breakfast. We chill around house while Jason works on his truck. Day 5 of potty training and we have a winner!!!! Christian peed in the potty TWICE!! I did the happy dance and made him laugh, gave him sugar and hugs, we ran outside to tell daddy...daddy gave him all kinds of high fives and hugs and sugar! We are so proud of himself and best yet, he is proud of himself! He kept saying I do it all by myself!!!

Monday: Today. No pee pee in potty yet. 2 accidents. Dad gives Grace a bottle unknown to me. After 2 jars of food, Grace throws it back up. *sigh*

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Potty Training Camp: Day 2

Day 2 of potty training did not go well. I decided that since a pullup is basically the same as a diaper in the eyes of my child and myself, that we would skip over to the "big boy" underwear. Oh boy. Jason started working on him to put his own underwear on and pull them up and down himself. Tonight, I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and Jason and Grace were in there talkin with me. Christian was on the potty and Jason had just got finished telling him to put his underwear on. Well when Christian walked into the kitchen he said "Is this right?" Of course Jason and I busted out laughing and I grabbed the camera. TOO CUTE!!! So I helped him put his undewear on correctly.

Christian is having a hard time with the concept of actually peeing IN the potty. I started taking him every 20 minutes or so, sometimes sooner, if he was drinking juice. We would sit on the potty for 20 sometimes 30 minutes, talking, reading books, counting, saying ABC's, whatever to pass the time. As soon as he would get up and I would put the big boys back on him, I swear it wasn't 5 minutes later he was peeing.

Jason got to witness this first hand tonight. After Jason had sat in the bathroom with him for 20 minutes, Christian came straight into the kitchen and while trying to get up on the bar stool he said "Look mama, daddy, I went pee pee!" There was a huge puddle on the stool. *Sigh* I tried telling him he HAS to tell me BEFORE he goes pee pee, not after. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. Pray for us. We need it. Maybe more so I than him.

Potty Training Camp: Day 1

Okay so, Jason and I went to sign Christian up for Montessori school Tueday night. He has to be accepted. We had to fill out an application. They pick students first that are zoned for the school, second by if they already have siblings in the school, third, I can't remember this one and then all the other entries basically go into a hat and they do a lottery type drawing. So I don't know what his chances are. Anyway, one of the rules were the child has to be potty trained fully, wiping own butt and everything by September. They will help with snaps and buttons but the child has to do everything else themselves. Talk about pressure!! So guess what we started today? YEP!! POTTY TRAINING!! I mean, c'mon, we only have 7 months to get this thing down pat!! He's gotta go to school!!! Besides, even if he don't get into this school he still has to be potty trained. He is 3 for goodness sake! It is time! The child can speak in Spanish but he can't use the potty? HA! I told him that if he was to peepee in the potty that he can have some M&M's and that Diego would call him on the phone! Boy was he excited! Did he peepee? Nope. Am I discouraged? Nope. I know it's the first day and it will come to him. One good thing is before when I tried to get him to sit on the potty he acted scared to death. Now when I say let's go potty he hops up and comes to the bathroom with me. No problems getting him in the bathroom. Just to make a kid pee is the hard part! :)
I told my best friend that I had started training and so she went and bought him a prize. She left it on the doorstep with a note from Diego. So when we got home from church, he had a prize from Diego saying good job on sitting on the potty all day today! Her note also include baby Jaguar (Diego's cheeta pet) saying the baby Jaguar knows that Christian can do it! HE WAS SO EXCITED! The nursery worker told me she thinks he went peepee because he was sitting there and his eyes got big. She asked him if he had peepeed and he told her yes. Everytime I ask him if he went peepee (throughout the day) he tells me no and he really hasn't. So maybe he did pee pee with the nursery worker. If that's the case, then he got a prize from Diego for pee peeing!!!!!!! Ahhhhh, the little things that excite parents. :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Shocking Monday

Well today, that little man of mine, surprised the snot out of me. Mom and I went up to our normal place to get our nails done. The technicians in there are cool with my kids going in there since they don't cause havoc in the place. Maybe the occasional crumb but I always offer to vaccuum. Anyway, there was another little boy in there that Christian, being the social butterfly that he is, took to immediately. They played and played. Grace got on the floor and started climbing all over the furniture and exploring. The little boy went over to Grace on the floor and got in her face and did this little yelling thing. She was taken aback but just kept looking at him. He did it again. Well this time, my little princess was not happy. He scared the stew out of her and she went to crying. Mom went over there and grabbed her up (she was done, I was still getting nails done). Christian went over to check on her and when mom told him that the little boy scared Grace but she was okay, he looked at that boy and stomped his foot (!), pointed in the opposite direction of Grace and yelled at him "GO AWAY!!! You scared MY Grace!!! GO AWAY!!!" (can you invision this now??) All mom and I could do is stare in shock with mouths gaping open staring at this newfound defender Grace had produced. Where did THAT come from?? WOW!!! I called Christian over to me and told him that I was extremely proud of him for taking up for Grace but he was being rude by yelling at someone like that. I continued to express my proudness of him though. I mean, seriously, when it's all said and done I don't care that he was rude to this little boy who scared my baby. I did want it to be a learning lession with Christian but at the same time I want him to take up for Grace when she needs taking up for. What a great big brother he is!!!!!!!! He has never done this before and I am in utter shock, awe, disbelief and beaming with PRIDE!!! He does my heart proud.

Winter Storm 2010

Our winter storm 2010 was suppose to be this big ice storm like we had a couple of years ago. The weatherman called for lots of ice, some snow mixed with sleet and it was suppose to be this way the entire weekend. HA! In the picture, if you look close enough you can see the ice in the trees. It was a very pretty sight. But people went overboard! Friday night Walmart was PACKED with people. A friend of mine said that she had to park all the way out by the gas pumps. Then when she did get inside (she is braver than I because I would have just left after seeing the parking lot) she said she walked by the bread isle and it was EMPTY!! Seriously people?? Did you really think Florence was going to get snowed and iced in for weeks???????? C'mon!!!! I really wouldn't be surprised to hear people filling their tub up with water.....don't get me wrong, I'm all about stocking up and preparing for a storm, but we are talking about Florence and frankly, we just don't get that bad of winter storms!! Our roads were not even frozen over. People were still going about their own business. I, however, stayed inside. Not because of the ice and rain, but because my blood runs thin and I like to stay WARM!!!! It was a very pretty site though to see the ice glistening in the sun. We are suppose to have some pretty cold nights this week though, with tonight (Sunday) being the coldest with 18 degrees. Needless to say, the pups are inside nice and toasty! :)