Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Potty Potty Potty

So this will be a short post I think. Second week into potty training and we are going backwards. He is now NOT telling me that he has peed and instead just letting me find it in odd places. Usually places that Grace will head straight for. And of course he is pooping in his undies again. We have not had ONE SUCCESSFUL DAY this week!! And by this week I mean this past weekend too.

I've had people tell me that I'm doing great and to keep it up, I've had people tell me to take toys away from him until he pees in potty, I've had people tell me to take him to the store and let him pick a toy out but tell him to pee in potty twice before he can get it. I've had people tell me not to let him do the "big boy" things he wants to do until he pees. I've even had someone tell me that it sounds like he just isn't ready for the potty. Oh and numurous people have told me he will do it in his own time. Well guess what? That child is lazy and he will not pee in potty and so therefore I believe if I let him wait until he's ready, he will still be in diapers at the age of 5. I'm not kidding. I'm so sick of this crap I could sceam. I even had a book that I'm reading say oh you should have started when he was 2!! And since I've waited until he is 3.5 years old you will have a more difficult time. Thanks for the pep talk there lady.

Okay I've vented. I'm going to relax and scrapbook. Oh and just for a heads up, in about a month to 2 months you can start looking for my post to change from Christian potty time to GRACE potty time!!! This chick will start potty training between 15 and 18 months old. I'm not letting her get to the point where she can tell me no she doesn't want to go to the bathroom and throw herself on the floor in a full blown tantrum like her big bro does. No ma'am no way. Okay now I'm done for real.

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