Yep, it's that time again. I needed to start training Christian for the potty. AGAIN. Enough is enough. I thought maybe I could get off easy and send his little butt to daycare over the summer and get help from them training him. Fat chance lady. He had to be already daytime potty trained for the 3 year old class. How lame is that? The daycare worker told me that if I was to get him trained then he can come to daycare. Um, so what would I need to put him in daycare for then?? I could actually save that $400.00 a month bill. Duh! So my child will be the only 5 year old not allowed to attend kindergarten since he continues to want to piss in his pants. Yeah yeah I know, he's been doing it for 3 years now it's a tough habit to break. Sure I can see that. But it's ridiculous that I think Grace will be trained before he will be. Ha!
So the first week is behind me. I think I'm having a harder time getting Jason on board for this. During the weekend I have to stay on Jason just as much as I do Christian to get into the bathroom. I think Jason wants me to do it all. That's completely not fair seeing how it exhausts me during the week. The least he could do is take over the weekend! Oh well. Boys will be boys. I'm trying to explain to Jase that Christian MIGHT respond better with him since they have the :)
So here is the progress so far! I'm so proud of my little man!!! We have been at this for a week, started Monday the 10th. I started setting the stove timer for every 30 minutes and he knew when it went off that meant potty time. Of course if he peed himself before the timer went off, I still would make him go sit on the potty. I've been making him sit there for at least 5 minutes, longer if HE wants to. Well i started noticing that right before the timer would go off (5-10 minutes before) he would end up peeing on himself. So we went to Walmart and got an egg timer. At least that is what I call them. Anyway, I figured that was more portable anyway since we were planning to go to a church function on Saturday. That egg timer gets set now to every 20 minutes and when we go to the bathroom, I set it on 5 minutes and he knows he can't get up till them. I'm reading a book about potty training and it talks about not making them sit there more than 5 minutes b/c they start to get bored and then associating the bathroom with boredom. Very clever thinking. SO, what we do is sing silly songs, sing church songs, read books, sing ABC's or just talk about pottying. Anything to make him feel like potty time is FUN!!! The book also says that if we start early (like 2 years old) then potty time will be much easier than if we were to start at 3. Oops! Oh well. Everything has it's challenges.
I think I got a little off course. So everyone used to tell me that he would catch on to peeing before he would the pooping. Leave it to my child to defy even that. Stubborn, strong willed child of mine. I love him. All week long, he has only pooped in his underwear ONE time!!!!!!!!!! All the rest of the times he has done so in potty!!!!! YEAH!!!! Peeing, oh that is a different story. He has peed in the potty ONE time and all the rest in his undies!! HA!!! So one week behind us, another week ahead. I wonder what that will bring. I'm hoping some poop and pee in the potty. That egg timer goes everywhere with us now. IF we go anywhere that is. I try to keep my outings short and eliminate all outings that are not necessary.
It's funny what can excite us once we become parents. It's the little things in life that make it grand. :)