Friday, May 28, 2010

More pictures at the beach

Jason trying to get Christian to body surf.

My handsome man.

Matching bathing suits. How cute!!!!

LOVE this!!! Christian has this thing now about driving. So with his imagination, he is driving a bus, truck or car in whatever situation he is in!!! Dad looks kinda bored.....what do you think??

My favorite photo of Grace

This is my absolute favorite photo of Grace. Second time on the beach for her and she is alot happier than the first. I guess b/c we didn't take her to the water. She was perfectly content to stay in the sand. Christian was behind her playing in the sand and I was a little behind Christian. He did something or said something that made her whip around and smile at him and then just as fast turn back around and keep on playing. I'm so glad I had my camera waiting. :)

Awana Award Night

Christian is a graduate from the Puggles group at AWANA. We had the awards ceremony a few weeks ago and these are the pictures from it. I've been terrible about updating my blog with stuff like this. It seems like it's been surrounding potty training all the time. I'll try to get better. After the ceremony Jason was trying to get a good picture of me and the kids but Grace was more concerned with the blue peguin on Christian's award. So this is the best photo that we got and frankly, my favorite, b/c of the way Grace is positioned. As if to say, hang on for a second, what is that thing?!?!?!!?

And the look on Christian's face. My kids are a hoot.

My proud little puggle.

Him and his friend Matthew chatting away before the ceremony

Strawberry Patch

Here are a few pictures taken at the strawberry patch a week or so ago. I think the kids ate just as much as they picked!!

She wasn't so happy after about 10 minutes. Notice how much red I have all over me??? That's because she wouldn't stop touching me with her red hands. LOL

"Ohhhhh, what's that?" she said as we started picking them

Didn't have to tell this sweet boy twice to start picking. We told him which ones to get and he went to town!!! He would pick up a darker one and ask if it was rotten or not. HA!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Potty Potty Potty

So this will be a short post I think. Second week into potty training and we are going backwards. He is now NOT telling me that he has peed and instead just letting me find it in odd places. Usually places that Grace will head straight for. And of course he is pooping in his undies again. We have not had ONE SUCCESSFUL DAY this week!! And by this week I mean this past weekend too.

I've had people tell me that I'm doing great and to keep it up, I've had people tell me to take toys away from him until he pees in potty, I've had people tell me to take him to the store and let him pick a toy out but tell him to pee in potty twice before he can get it. I've had people tell me not to let him do the "big boy" things he wants to do until he pees. I've even had someone tell me that it sounds like he just isn't ready for the potty. Oh and numurous people have told me he will do it in his own time. Well guess what? That child is lazy and he will not pee in potty and so therefore I believe if I let him wait until he's ready, he will still be in diapers at the age of 5. I'm not kidding. I'm so sick of this crap I could sceam. I even had a book that I'm reading say oh you should have started when he was 2!! And since I've waited until he is 3.5 years old you will have a more difficult time. Thanks for the pep talk there lady.

Okay I've vented. I'm going to relax and scrapbook. Oh and just for a heads up, in about a month to 2 months you can start looking for my post to change from Christian potty time to GRACE potty time!!! This chick will start potty training between 15 and 18 months old. I'm not letting her get to the point where she can tell me no she doesn't want to go to the bathroom and throw herself on the floor in a full blown tantrum like her big bro does. No ma'am no way. Okay now I'm done for real.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Potty Training......Take 4 (I think)

Yep, it's that time again. I needed to start training Christian for the potty. AGAIN. Enough is enough. I thought maybe I could get off easy and send his little butt to daycare over the summer and get help from them training him. Fat chance lady. He had to be already daytime potty trained for the 3 year old class. How lame is that? The daycare worker told me that if I was to get him trained then he can come to daycare. Um, so what would I need to put him in daycare for then?? I could actually save that $400.00 a month bill. Duh! So my child will be the only 5 year old not allowed to attend kindergarten since he continues to want to piss in his pants. Yeah yeah I know, he's been doing it for 3 years now it's a tough habit to break. Sure I can see that. But it's ridiculous that I think Grace will be trained before he will be. Ha!

So the first week is behind me. I think I'm having a harder time getting Jason on board for this. During the weekend I have to stay on Jason just as much as I do Christian to get into the bathroom. I think Jason wants me to do it all. That's completely not fair seeing how it exhausts me during the week. The least he could do is take over the weekend! Oh well. Boys will be boys. I'm trying to explain to Jase that Christian MIGHT respond better with him since they have the :)

So here is the progress so far! I'm so proud of my little man!!! We have been at this for a week, started Monday the 10th. I started setting the stove timer for every 30 minutes and he knew when it went off that meant potty time. Of course if he peed himself before the timer went off, I still would make him go sit on the potty. I've been making him sit there for at least 5 minutes, longer if HE wants to. Well i started noticing that right before the timer would go off (5-10 minutes before) he would end up peeing on himself. So we went to Walmart and got an egg timer. At least that is what I call them. Anyway, I figured that was more portable anyway since we were planning to go to a church function on Saturday. That egg timer gets set now to every 20 minutes and when we go to the bathroom, I set it on 5 minutes and he knows he can't get up till them. I'm reading a book about potty training and it talks about not making them sit there more than 5 minutes b/c they start to get bored and then associating the bathroom with boredom. Very clever thinking. SO, what we do is sing silly songs, sing church songs, read books, sing ABC's or just talk about pottying. Anything to make him feel like potty time is FUN!!! The book also says that if we start early (like 2 years old) then potty time will be much easier than if we were to start at 3. Oops! Oh well. Everything has it's challenges.

I think I got a little off course. So everyone used to tell me that he would catch on to peeing before he would the pooping. Leave it to my child to defy even that. Stubborn, strong willed child of mine. I love him. All week long, he has only pooped in his underwear ONE time!!!!!!!!!! All the rest of the times he has done so in potty!!!!! YEAH!!!! Peeing, oh that is a different story. He has peed in the potty ONE time and all the rest in his undies!! HA!!! So one week behind us, another week ahead. I wonder what that will bring. I'm hoping some poop and pee in the potty. That egg timer goes everywhere with us now. IF we go anywhere that is. I try to keep my outings short and eliminate all outings that are not necessary.
It's funny what can excite us once we become parents. It's the little things in life that make it grand. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Just a few things

Well I'm having a terrible time uploading her 1st year pictures. Apparently the girl that took her pictures used such a large file that my computer wants to think long and hard about uploading them. But once again, those too are on my Facebook. And if you want to see more you could always go to Beth Coleman's Facebook page and she had some on her site as well.

Well Christian had his screening for school the other day. They want to see what the child knows. I was told they do this only to have on file that it has nothing to do with anything else. I would think since it's a Montesorri school, they test the child to see where about they are then start them from that point and work on higher stuff. But hey, I guess that's why I'm not working at the school. I didn't know that I was going to be in the room with him so I didn't take my camera. I did take 2 photos with my phone though.

The last picture of Grace is in the IHOP while eating lunch she wanted to be Miss Hollywood Diva with mama's glasses. Too cute!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Birthday Party

Yeah, I know it's 2 months past due. But here's the problem. My computer is stupid. Yep. I'm smarter than the computer b/c I actually remember where I put items in my house. HA! No, seriously. I use a program called Picasa for my pictures. I also upload my pictures using Nikon Transfer to my computer. Well the two programs don't have their stuff together. Literally. When I upload using Nikon, I have a spot that my pictures get put into. When I upload to Picasa, of course they go into Picasa. Well apparently, when you upload to Picasa, there isn't a way to get the pictures to your blog. I cannot find the Picasa program with the files within the "upload" button. I do have an option within Picasa to "blog this" well the stupid problem with that is I choose 20 pictures per say but it will only add 4, yes 4, pictures to my blog???!!!! So. I believe that the pictures of her birthday is on Facebook. Can we just call it even?? LOL I will say that she was a true princess that day. She wouldn't get dirty with her cake. I tried to stick her hand all it and the diva yanked her hand back and would ONLY eat the fondant flowers. :) I am going to try to upload her 1st year pictures here next. Wish me luck.

First beach trip

So last weekend Jason decided to take us all to the beach. This will be Grace's first time seeing the water. Well when we first got there the tide was out. So we had dry sand, wet sand, then the water. While we were on the "dry" sand, she was fine. Jason took Christian to the water and let him play for about 10 minutes while I took picture after picture of Grace walking around and of daddy and Christian playing. Then he came and got Grace. Big mistake. She cried from that point on. No making her happy anymore. Not even bringing her up to the dry sand. She was happy for maybe 10 minutes while she helped daddy and Christian build the sand castle.
Not happy again:

Daddy buried Christian up to his chest in the sand. This is what the sand castle turned into:

3 year old imagination, I love it. His race car.

He is so photogenic

I think this is after daddy lets him fall in the water and get wet lol:

Miss Princess sitting happly for once looking at the water.

That wind was just whipping this little angel all around:

Oh this was funny: this is after daddy took her to the water and she was already unhappy. Well after getting her feet wet, the sand was sticking to her feet and she was not happy about that. She couldn't stand the sand sticking everywhere. So when I picked her up she drew her feet up as if to say "get it off get it offfffff!!!!!!!!!"
I thought this was a sweet picture

These last two pictures I played with a little. I wanted to scrapbook two of the pictures from the beach but I wanted everything black and white except for the color of the outfits they were wearing. In the picture of Grace, notice daddy and Christian playing in the background. I love it:

That wraps up our trip to the beach!!!