Monday, March 29, 2010


"Dad, can we go outside?"
"Yeah in a minute"
"In a minute?"
"Because you want to go outside"
"I don't know"
"You don't know?"

"Mom, can I help you cook?"
"Because you will burn yourself"
"Because it's hot"
"It needs to be hot to cook your food"

"Christian you can't hit your sister!"
"Because you are suppose to love her instead of hit her!"
"Because you are suppose to"
"She is your sister"
"I don't know, ask God why"
"Ask God??"
"Because He is the One that made you brother and sister"

Can you tell what stage we are in??

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Videos I promised

Here are the videos that I promised I would try to upload. It was quite easy to do actually.....but I was just to tired to attempt it last night. I didn't realize it would be so easy. For once something went the way it was suppose to!!! Well let me not talk to soon. Lets see if the videos play first! HA!! Enjoy!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

YAY He got in!!!

Well Christian got accepted into school for September!!! His name was placed in a lottery drawing. They did the drawing today and his name was pulled!!! So we have until September to get this boy peeing and pooping on the potty! HA!

It's thundering tonight and everytime it thunders he yells "Mom! I hear Jesus playing the drums!" lol I love it.

I got video of Grace walking the other day. And I got a very cute video of the kids playing together and Grace laughing so hard. It is very cute. However, when I downloaded my pictures onto the computer, the videos didn't transfer with them for whatever reason. So now I have to rehook up the camera to the computer and try to force the videos over.

The children are going on Sunday to have their pictures taken with live bunnies for Easter. I'm so darn excited I can't see straight. I'll post those pictures as soon as I get them. Well since I don't have the video to upload, I guess this is all the news I have for tonight!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


"Wastin' away again in Margaritaville
Searching for my lost shaker of salt
Some people claim that there's a woman to blame
But I know it's nobody's fault"

First Margarita. February 27, 2010. Flirting with older men. All the time. Yep Grace's Aunt Christy has had some influence on her already.

Shall we begin at the beginning? February 27, I had a Southern Living at Home party for a friend of mine. She sells Margarita mix. She mixes it up for us and serves it. Mind you it is NOT spiked! There is NO alcohol in the Margarita Mix. (Or else Grace would not have had it.) So we are all fancy drinking our virgin Margarita's out of my margarita glasses. The babies appear thirsty and they are after our green drink. What's the problem? There is no alcohol in them. So we let them have some. (Cameron, mine and Jason's godson was over here too) Well now we see the problem. THEY WANT TO DRINK IT ALL!!!! They don't want to save any for the adults. HA!!

RJ, Christian's friend, is 4 years old. He was over here the other day playing with Grace and she was just enamored by him. She was smiling, laughing and doing her little hand at him as to playfully slap his arm. Yep she is a charmer. Another occasion, we were in Walmart. She was in the front of the buggy just cruising. She was facing backward even though her legs were still in the holes in front (don't ask me how she got twisted) Anyway, a 14 or 15 year old walks by and she stares at him the entire time!!!! Even following him with her head turning as we walked by each other! I bent down and told her in her ear that she was way to young for him and she better watch where her eyes are looking! I ended with "you understand me young lady?" HA! Oh boy do we have trouble brewing with her. All I can say is I pray to the Good Lord above that He will help me guide her to HIM and not to foolish ways that will get her in trouble. I'm already praying for Christian's wife and Grace's husband. I'm praying for safety for both now and when they get older. That's all we can do is pray. Enjoy these pictures of Grace enjoying her first Margarita. This will be the only time I better see these types of pictures. If I see her drinking a margarita when she is 15, her butt is MINE!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

South Carolina weather

Oh boy. SC weather changes like you should change your underwear. Everyday. The weekend after it snowed here, we were outside playing baseball. CRAZY!!! But then, this weekend they were calling for snow again!!! Yep, we were suppose to wake up this morning with 1 inch on the ground. The schools were on a 2 hour delay. Nothing but my socks were white when I woke up. Oh well. I didn't want snow anyway. I'm anxiously waiting on the warm weather. I can't wait to be able to complain about how hot it is!!! HA! Here are some pictures of Jason and Christian playing baseball that weekend.

And then one of the little Miss Princess: (she was having a bad hair day)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Flower Face

Christian is seeing someone in the house. He is describing him as a "little boy like me" with black hair and blue eyes. He pointed to the end of my bed one day and asked me who that was. Nobody was there of course so I freaked out. I've always heard kids can see things we can't.. I say I don't know and he insists on me telling him who that is. I am totally freaked at this point so we go downstairs.

He has talked about "flower face' as he calls him on several occasions. He tells me that "flower face' is funny and does not scare him. He makes faces at Christian and every time I asked Christian what faces it is, Christian makes the EXACT same face everytime. Tongue hanging out the mouth and to the side. It is a funny face to a 3 year old. He tells me that flower face is my friend as well as his.

The other day we were sitting in the living room and the kids were playing with this butterfly that moves across the floor playing music. It starts up itself when the wings are touched. I finally told the kids to quit with it b/c I got tired of listening to it. (It's loud!) Well after about 1 minute after it stopped, the kids came over to the couch with me. That butterfly starting going all by itself. Nobody was around it. It hasn't ever done that before. Maybe "flower face" was playing??

I ask him where flower face is and the answer is always the same. Either he isn't here at the moment or he is in MY bed. I asked Christian if flower face liked my bed and he told me yes. Christian tells me more often than not that flower face went to bed. In my bed. I need to find out about this. I want to know the history of the land. I know the history of the house and nothing s attached to it. Everyone that ever lived here is still alive. Something must have happened on the land before the house was built. I'm a little freaked out. 3 year olds just don't make this stuff up. I'm not going to let it bother me though. It's not here to hurt us. It would have already done that. Battery is going dead. Gotta go!

Swiper No swipping!

So there hasn't been to much going on here that was "blog worthy" so therefore I haven't. I could have blogged about how everyday brings on a new sickness, or the messes the kids make or how busy I stay but nobody wants to read stuff like that constantly. I know I don't. So just a quick update on the kids health is that even though the stomach virus is gone, in it's place is runny noses and coughs.

Kids say/do the darndest things don't they? Dora the Explorer is a favorite of Christian's. There is a little character on there named Swipper. He is a little sneaky fox. He is always trying to "swipe" things from Dora and her friend Boots. In order to stop him from doing so, when you see Swipper on the screen, you hold out your hand while saying "Swipper no swipping, swipper no swipping, Swiiiiippppppeeeerrrr nooooooo swiping!!!!" He says "Oh man!" and runs away. Sometimes he does indeed get the item he is after. When he does he says "hahaha you will not find it now!!" and runs away with it. Okay I say all that to say this. Christian is on a kick this month about being Swipper. He tells us no swipping all the time. It's the cutest thing. The other day I was on the computer. He came in the dining room where I was and he looked sneaky. So I said "swipper no swipping swipper no swipping, swipper nooooooo swipping!!" He says Oh man! and runs away. He comes back a couple of minutes later and I repeat the swiper words. That little booger ran up and grabbed my mouse and said "hahaha you won't find your mouse now!!!!" And went and threw it up on the counter!!! What a smarty!!!!! All I could do was laugh. He is amazing.

Grace loves Dora too. I think Diego is her favorite. The other day she and I were looking on the computer looking at birthday cakes for her 1st birthday. She caught site of a Dora cake, pointed to it and started ooooooohhhhhhing and ahhhhiiinng at it. I kid you not. She started bouncing up and down and making all kinds of noises including her famous "monkey face" she does! HA!! I chose to do butterflies and flowers for her 1st though. It's more girly and babyish. For her second birthday we will do Dora if she is still interested. :)