Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pink Sock bandits

Introducing to you the Pink Sock bandits!!!
Okay funny story, my diva Grace loves her some pink. She saw my pink socks laying beside the bed and had to have them. Christian sees her with them and wants to put one on. Of course since Christian has one on, the diva wants one on too. So they come downstairs like this and would not take them off till we were leaving the house. I love my pink sock bandits!!!

Be careful what you pray for

You know what I'm talking about. People always saying "Be careful what you pray for! You may just get it!" For instance, you pray for patience, the good Lord going to give you every chance to practice it. Oh you want patience? Here you go.....practice it. The kids screaming, the husband is late, kids are making a mess....oh there goes Tea all over the floor. You asked for patience, you gotta practice it. God does have a sense of humor.

Anyway, this isn't about patience. Or is it? While I was pregnant with Grace, I prayed for a girly girl. Frills, pink, jewelry. What I didn't expect from this girly girl was the DIVA attitude to match!!! Boy oh boy is she a diva. SCREAMS just because she can and it gets mom and dad's attention. While dining in at the Cracker Barrel the other day, she screams so loud the whole place went silent for a second. Screams because she is mad at Christian, screams because she doesn't get her way, screams for no reason. Ear....piercing.....scream......

Oh yes, God certainly does have a sense of humor. But you know what? I'm glad that He gave me my screaming diva. I wouldn't want her any other way.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Video of the new Truck

I don't think there is anything that needs to be said about this video. It speaks for itself. :)

Weekend F-U-N!!!!!

Our Saturday started out at 9:30. We had a birthday party to go to at 10 at Timrod Park. We were an hour late (figures) so these are the only two pictures that I got from that party.

After we left that party, we went to Toys R Us to get a gift for the next party we were to go to and went and ate lunch. The next party they were invited to was at the little boys house and they had swimming........

And power wheels fun.........

and tailgating parties.

So this picture tell me a different story than it does to you. This "look" that Grace was giving this little girl was saying "I dare you to touch my radio again and if you do I'll back hand you"

This little girl, poor little girl.....didn't know what she was getting herself into when she got in the car with this tough 1 year old little girl. Every time the bigger girl would touch the radio Grace would THROW her hand away and then proceed to hit her a couple of times. I kid you not. Can we say attitude?

This starts the day on Sunday. Christian loved playing with that truck at the party so much that we decided to go get him one of his own. He is all the time begging his daddy and me to let him drive our cars. Guess how many times I've heard that he wants to drive our cars since we got him this? Z-E-R-O :)

She loves being able to get in and out of the pool by herself. She gets in and splashes around by herself!

Taking a break with daddy......she is beginning to become such a daddy's little girl! :) I love it.

Unfortunately she couldn't hang:

We ended the day with ice cream!!!

After ice cream, went back to the house and did more driving.

And that will conclude our day. The kids were so pooped that it didn't take anytime to get them to sleep that night! That's what I like :)

Splash Pad

Today we went to the splash pad. This wasn't either of the children's first time going but last year when we went, Grace was really to young to know what was happening. She didn't like it last year. This year was a little different :)

Christian loved this wheel. It didn't do anything but spin. There is a large bucket on the top of this pole that when it gets filled with water will dump out. I guess Christian thought that by turning this wheel, he was making the bucket dump. Ha.

My cutie sun bathing.

Watch out Cris Angel! My son can levitate too!

Grace didn't like any of the direct-in-your-face water, but the misting she loved!! Mom or I would hold her and run through it. This is the result of that fun!!!

To bright for my diva. She kept taking my sunglasses and put them on her.

Pucker up baby!!!! All we have to do is ask for sugar and she puckers up and waits for you to lay one on her!!!

She spent most of the day here at these little guys:

I put sunscreen on everyone, even myself, but I forgot to put it on my face!!!! I look like a lobster. But it's all good because we had the best of times and that's all that counts!