Friday, October 29, 2010

Red Ribbon Week

Wow! It's really been July since the last time I posted?? Busy summer I guess!
Well now that Christian is well into the school year now (he's in 3K for those that may not know) he is getting used to how things work. He loves school, tells me about his friends everyday and usually comes home with a green dot on his activity calendar. (means he had a great day!)

This past week was Red Ribbon week at his school. They talked to the kids about the importance of not doing drugs. Each day you had to wear something different. Monday was "Red" day. He had to wear something red. I didn't take a picture b/c it was just him in his red shirt. The theme was "I pledge to be a winner"
Tuesday was "I'm a jean-ius, I'm drug free!" day. You guessed it. Wear jeans. Once again no picture.
Wednesday was "I will knot do drugs" they were to wear bow ties, ties, or scarves (something with a knot) So Christian wore his clip on tie. Picture (gasp) is below!

Thursday is Crazy socks day, "Sock it to drugs". We weren't going to participate in this b/c he didn't have crazy socks.......but then on FB someone mentioned that their little boy was wearing his moms crazy socks. OH! I GOT SOME OF THOSE! So with 5 minutes before we were to leave to go to school I rush upstairs to find these.

He loved them. Wanted to sleep in them that night and even got mad the next morning when I went to take them off.
Friday was "Keep your head in the game" We were to show our school/sports team spirit! Well since we aren't sports fans around here I couldn't think of anything Christian owned that had a sports name on it. Thankfully a friend gave us some hand-me-downs not long ago and I found this sweatshirt in with it. And it was the perfect day to wear it. 65 degrees all day. So there you have it. Red Ribbon Week at school. I enjoyed dressing him up and seeing all the other kids dressed up when I went and picked Christian up from school.

Ok, so I know I'm way behind on the blog and I have alot to cover. I will get caught up but please know my blog may tend to skip around abit until I can get caught up. I'm thinking of blogging of the fair now.............

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