Monday, February 6, 2012

I admit it

Ok so yes, I admit it, I SUCK at this blogging thing. I don't even know when the last time was that I blogged. I feel horrible. But since it's been so stinking cold (well, some days) I haven't really did much with my camera. I prefer outdoor shots with the natural lightening. All the indoor shots either look way over board with the flash or to yellow. Something I should work on. Anyway, I hope to have my boutique business growing this year. Hopefully by the end of this year I will be so busy that I can actually see some income coming in.

I've also been babysitting the cutest baby 4 days a week. That brings in some income that I use to buy the fabric with and stuff for the boutique.

On top of all that, I'm busy with bible studies, laundry, and frankly, just everyday living.

Kids are growing like weeds. Grace is THE diva! For her birthday I am going to tell everyone to get her dress up clothes and shoes. Hopefully that way I can keep her out of her closet!! I know I've cleaned that thing 10 times in the last 3 days! Maybe I can even get Pa to build her a little dress up closet!! (Pa, if you are reading this, that was a hint! :) Love you!!)

Christian is doing excellent in school. Impressing his teachers with his mad reading skills! HA! That child is doing so well with his reading. Last night at AWANA he read a Dr. Seuss book to me. He has some trouble with some of the bigger words naturally, but we encourage him to sound them out and look at the pictures for clues as to what it should say.
He is also has mad math skills! Better than me even. Jason has started quizzing him while we ride down the road with things like 5+4-3 is what? That child will spit some of those answers out like he owned it. I'm still up front counting it out on my fingers! He amazes me with his smarts.
I've also caught myself telling him how smart he is. Which at first doesn't appear to be a bad thing. But I don't want him getting a big head about it all. And plus we always try to incorporate God in our daily lives so I've started asking him WHO made him that smart? His answer? God did. Good boy.

Alot of changes have taken place so far this year. For one, our church has stopped doing Sunday School and started doing in home groups. Ours still meet on Sunday morning at someones house. So far it is allowing us to become closer as individuals so we can "live life together". (Motto for the small groups)
Also, after going to the doctor, she told me I suffered from depression. I have been put on a medication that has completely turned my life around. I went from hating my husband, to loving him and appreciating all he does for us. I went from never wanting to play with my children, to can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can go spend all day together. I went from laying on the couch exhausted (for no reason), to laying on the floor playing games with the children. From not caring about a single thing going on in this house, to wanting to make major changes.
I know that may seem exaggerated but I'm telling you it's not. Anybody around me can tell you how this medication has helped me.

Another change that I will undoubtedly fail at (only because I am merely human) is the live my life according to what God would want for me. I want to raise my children up in church and I pray they come to know and love God and accept Him into their lives at the earliest age possible. I strive to be the Proverbs 31 woman who her husband and children "rise up and called her blessed". And I strive to make God a priority in my everyday life. I believe it is important for my family to know Him as well. So with that said, I am going to be ending all my posts with a scripture that has either been on my mind lately or something I've read in my daily reading.
Today I leave you with Jeremiah 29:11 which I have claimed as my life verse.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future."

1 comment:

  1. Awww Misty, you have no idea how much I miss all of you SOOO very much!!!! The love I have for ALL of you is just so strong and deep. I LOVE that your family is a God-loving family and that all of you are living your life around Him!!! You make me very, very proud!!!!

    Love all of you & miss all of you terribly!!!!
