Sunday, October 9, 2011

Goodbye Summer! Hello Fall!!

As I sit here and write this I think back to just how FAST our summer went by!!! Splash pad, pool, hot sun, and ice cream quickly turns into coats and sweaters, heater, cloudy days and pumpkin pies!! But hey, who am I kidding? We live in the good ol' South. The only place you can wake up to 50 degree weather and have to wear winter gear just to shed it off by noon because the 50 degrees has climbed to 75! Oh I love it. And wouldn't have it any other way.

So, just because the official "fall weather" hasn't really begun does not mean fall activities cease to start! Soccer, dance, socials, festivals, fair, pumpkin patches, halloween, oh I am getting so excited!

We began our soccer season with some not so high expectations. We (Jason and I) really thought that Christian was going to display his "old man run" (which isn't a run by the way) the way he did in baseball. Boy were we ever wrong. Christian has taken to soccer like nobody's business. That boy is tearing that field UP!!! I am so proud of him. I do believe we have found our "sport of choice".

We are having some difficulties in explaining to Christian that he has to "get mean" on the field. I sometimes want to get out there and "get mean" myself but hey they are just kids right?! HA! Let me tell you. There sometimes are kids out there that are like a foot taller than the rest and they are good. Makes me think they are a year older than the rest of the children. Well when one of those kids get out there they dominate the ball. This past Saturday as a matter of fact was such kid. He dominated the ball. No one else ever had a chance at the ball. Well the moral of the team was falling because of that. Both of the teams. Once that kid went and sat out a quarter, the rest of the team (again both sides) had a chance at the ball and they started playing good! Said kid kept jumping in front of Christian and stealing the ball away from my baby. And what makes it worse is the fact that he was elbowing everybody out his way to get to the ball, even knocking Christian down one time! OH!!! Ask my mother how her arm feels by the way. I grabbed my mothers arm and squeezed hard!! That kid made me so MAD!! (did I mention I have anger issues?) I wanted to go snatch that kid up! OHOHOH!

But on a lighter note, I can tell a BIG difference in Christian's play on the field since the beginning. We are 4 games in and my baby is good. :) I am going to post a video from his first game in another post.

I have no pictures of Grace dancing yet. We aren't allowed to watch. Her dance company has something called Parent Watch Night which is self explanatory. But that doesn't start until November. I will be switching Grace to another dance company next year I believe. I haven't been impressed with the customer service at this company and several other reasons.

Grace has grown SO MUCH lately. I can't believe she will be 3 soon. Where did my baby go? I do not remember Christian flying up to the age of 3 this quickly! Not to mention he will be 5 in a couple of months!!!! WHAT!?!?
Grace is a mess. Plain and simple. A mess. She is talking so much now and can say just about what she wants. Oh and that attitude comes out. I wonder sometimes if she takes after me with that. I'm trying hard to tame my attitude and having trouble doing so, so how in the world am I going to tame hers too?!?!?! God help me.

So that leaves me with just one question: Diva or Devil? You decide.

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